Note: I apologize for the bad pictures, this cake had survived a trip to and from work (with my husband) before I got to take the picture, and this point the lighting was aweful but I couldn't wait to eat it any longer.
When I took the cookbook Baking:From my home to yours by Dorie Greenspan out of the library, it was initially because of this cake. The chocolate and fluffy white layers called to me, they entered my dreams and made me wake up in the morning with my face in a pool of drool. I HAD to make this cake, I NEEDED to take out the book.
Well, i took out the book, I drooled over the cover, but never seemed to have a good enough reason (or enough time) to make this beauty of cake. Then came my husband's birthday - here was the perfect time to try my beloved cake. Little did I know that this cake would become my husband's boss's birthday cake, good thing it turned out all right.
I followed the directions as printed on Confessions of a City Eater. I would type out the recipe, but it is long, I am lazy, the cookbook had to go back to the library, and well, someone has already done it. So click the link, I promise the instructions are good and her cupcakes are adorable! (she make it into cupcakes as well - I will have to try that some time soon!)
The only difference from my cake to the original is that I ended up with four layers. The cakes had large domes on them, so after they came off I didn't need anymore cake to make crumbs and decided to make four layers. Even with that I have leftover crumbs sitting in my freezer to be used to make cakeballs soon.
Anyways the cake was a huge hit. O's boss loved it, O loved it, I managed to get myself a small slice before it was all gone and it lived up to my every dream. I am still in love with this cake.
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